ICMR/NIAID/BMGF Clinical Research Fellowship Exchange Program: Participants from USA
Click on Apply below to start your application.
JThe Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), have teamed up to provide a fellowship opportunity that will enable clinicians from India and the United States of America (USA) to conduct research in areas of infectious diseases and immunology at an exchange laboratory and other approved facilities.
This fellowship is available to clinicians from the USA interested in a hands-on research experience at a Government of India accredited facility in India.
Fellowships for clinicians from India who are interested in a hands-on research experience at the NIH facilities in the USA are also available. Clinicians from India may apply at: https://zintellect.com/Opportunity/Details/NIH-ICMR-NIAID-2021-0000.
For further information about ICMR, NIAID, and BMGF, click the links below:
- ICMR – https://www.icmr.gov.in/
- NIAID – https://www.niaid.nih.gov/
- BMGF – https://gatesfoundation.org/
What is the objective of the program?
The objective of the ICMR/NIAID/BMGF Clinical Research Fellowship Exchange Program is to build a collaborative research and training program between India and the USA in an effort to foster the development of researchers in both countries and to advance research that will improve clinical practice and benefit public health in both countries. The focus of this fellowship program is to engage scientists in infectious diseases and immunology research, and to encourage the development of female early-career clinical scientists in India and the USA.
Why should I apply?
As a participant on this exchange program, you will have the opportunity to conduct research at one of the top medical agencies in India and gain a competitive edge in your research career.
During the appointment, you will have an opportunity to:
- Enhance your education and training in infectious disease and immunology research.
- Gain access to cutting-edge research.
- Receive guidance from mentors who will support your research career.
Where will I be located and for how long?
As a participant coming from USA, you will stay up to 3 months in India to conduct research at a Government of India accredited facility in India.
For further information about ICMR, please click: https://www.icmr.gov.in.
Participant Benefits
During the duration of the fellowship, you will receive:
- Support in the form of a stipend for living ($3,000 per month up to 3 months), and other expenses as determined by the program sponsors
- Health insurance supplemental stipend
- Roundtrip airfare
Nature of Appointment
As a participant, you will not enter into an employee/employer relationship with ORISE, ORAU, DOE, or any other office or agency. Instead, you will be affiliated with ORISE for the administration of the appointment through the ORISE appointment letter and Terms of Appointment.
You will also be contacted by ICMR with additional information from them.
Program Administration
The program is administered for the NIH/NIAID by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE). ORISE is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) for the US Department of Energy.
This fellowship is open to applicants from the United States who are clinicians in their early to mid-career, with an established interest in conducting research.
To qualify for this opportunity you must:
- Be a Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) or an U.S. Citizen.
- Have completed an M.D., with or without a Ph.D., within the last 15 years.
- Be available to relocate to India for up to three months and conduct research at a Government of India accredited facility.
- Meet clearance requirements to access assigned facility. (Appointments are contingent on receipt of the necessary clearance to access the assigned facility. While participants will not enter an employment relationship with ICMR, this opportunity requires a pre-employment background check).
- Be eligible to obtain an Indian visa.
A complete application consists of:
- Zintellect profile.
- Application questions.
- Current CV or resume, including academic history, employment history, relevant experiences, and publication list.
- Proof of completion of an M.D., with or without a Ph.D., within the last 15 years. Proof may include one of the following:
- Copy of the diploma issued by the University including official university markings, and the degree awarded and the award date.
- Copy of the official transcript issued by the Registrar’s Office including official university markings such as the registrar’s signature, university logo or stamp, letterhead or watermark, etc. Transcripts must include degree awarded and graduation date.
- Two (2) relevant recommendations from professionals who can speak to your abilities and potential for success as well as your scientific capabilities and personal characteristics. Recommendation requests must be sent through the Zintellect application system. Recommenders will be asked to complete a recommendation in Zintellect. Recommendations submitted via email will not be accepted. Recommendation deadline is July 31 , 2022, 11:59 PM Eastern Time Zone.
- Statement of interest and experience.
A subsequent selection process stage may include telephone interviews with the mentor and additional questions provided by ICMR.
To be considered, your application, supporting materials, and two recommendations must be completed and received via Zintellect by July 31, 2022, 11:59 PM Eastern Time Zone.
Submitted documents must have all social security numbers, student identification numbers, and/or dates of birth removed (blanked out, blackened out, made illegible, etc.) prior to uploading into the application system. All documents must be in English or include an official English translation.
If you have questions, send an email to NIHProgams@orau.org. Please list the reference code of this opportunity (ICMR-NIAID-BMGF-2021-0001) in the subject line of the email.
NOTE: When completing the degree section of the application, the system does not have the option to choose M.D. Please choose your most recent degree prior to the M.D. and answer the affirmation statement at the end.
- Citizenship: LPR or U.S. Citizen
- Degree: Any degree .
- Life Health and Medical Sciences (27 )
- Age: Must be 18 years of age
I affirm that I have received an M.D., with or without a Ph.D., within the last 15 years.

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