Climate Change Impact on Commercial Electro-Optical Constellation Collection
Create and release your Profile on Zintellect – Postdoctoral applicants must create an account and complete a profile in the on-line application system. Please note: your resume/CV may not exceed 2 pages.
Complete your application – Enter the rest of the information required for the IC Postdoc Program Research Opportunity. The application itself contains detailed instructions for each one of these components: availability, citizenship, transcripts, dissertation abstract, publication and presentation plan, and information about your Research Advisor co-applicant.
Additional information about the IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program is available on the program website located at:
If you have questions, send an email to Please include the reference code for this opportunity in your email.
Research Topic Description, including Problem Statement:
The impacts of climate change on environmental security and national security is of growing concern. Most studies to date have focused on the drastic changes on sea level, temperature increases, droughts, and frequency of tropical storms. However, changes in seasonality of cloud cover and wind fields can have drastic impacts on emerging alternative energy strategies that center on solar and wind power, respectively. Beyond energy generation, cloud cover can also impact satellite data collection via obfuscation. This research would advance the understanding of potential cloud cover changes and impacts on commercial collection strategies.
Example Approaches:
Leveraging climate models to forecast solar energy generation viability in different regions, but with overlay of civilian (LandSat) orbital paths.
Relevance to the Intelligence Community (IC):
- Possibility to aid development/enhancement of computational methods for analysis of geospatial information to detect anomalies.
- Possibility to assist development/enhancement computational methods for analysis of geospatial information to detect anomalies
Key Words: #Climate Change, #AI, #Broad Area Search
Postdoc Eligibility
- U.S. citizens only
- Ph.D. in a relevant field must be completed before beginning the appointment and within five years of the application deadline
- Proposal must be associated with an accredited U.S. university, college, or U.S. government laboratory
- Eligible candidates may only receive one award from the IC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship Program
Research Advisor Eligibility
- Must be an employee of an accredited U.S. university, college or U.S. government laboratory
- Are not required to be U.S. citizens
- Citizenship: U.S. Citizen Only
- Degree: Doctoral Degree.
- Chemistry and Materials Sciences (12 )
- Communications and Graphics Design (3 )
- Computer, Information, and Data Sciences (17 )
- Earth and Geosciences (21 )
- Engineering (27 )
- Environmental and Marine Sciences (14 )
- Life Health and Medical Sciences (48 )
- Mathematics and Statistics (11 )
- Other Non-Science & Engineering (2 )
- Physics (16 )
- Science & Engineering-related (1 )
- Social and Behavioral Sciences (29 )

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