2023 EERE Science, Technology, and Policy Opportunity: Strategic Analysis Fellow
To apply click on Apply at the bottom of this page.
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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy's (EERE) Science, Technology, and Policy (STP) Program serves as a next step in the educational and professional development of scientists and engineers by providing opportunities to participate in policy-related projects in Washington, D.C. Participants will become part of a group of highly-trained scientists and engineers with the education, background, and experience to be part of the workforce that supports the DOE's mission in the future.
The scope of EERE is wide, and thus is the scope of Strategic Analysis (SA) Team's portfolio encompassing analyses pertaining to the performance, costs, benefits, challenges, and opportunities of clean energy technologies. This broad purview allows SA to explore a diverse set of timely and challenging issues, ranging from identifying pathways to decarbonize major sectors of the economy (e.g., power, buildings, transportation, industry, and agriculture) to the associated challenges of integrating EERE technologies into the energy system. The team also develops new foundational and cross-cutting data, methodologies, and capabilities and contributes to EERE-wide/DOE-wide efforts in topics such as energy jobs and workforce development, energy equity and environmental justice, and circular economy.
The Strategic Analysis Team under the Office of Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary is seeking a talented and highly motivated Fellow to support its mission of providing credible and objective cross-cutting analysis for use in EERE decision-making. SA collaborates across EERE’s portfolio of buildings, industry, renewable power, transportation, and sustainable fuel investments and tackles technology policy and integration challenges that span multiple program areas. This Fellowship will last one year, with the opportunity to renew for additional years at the discretion of the sponsoring office. Learning opportunities include:
- New clean energy analysis activities, projects, and initiatives across the buildings, industry, transportation, and power sectors.
- Coordination of analysis across EERE program offices.
- Interdepartmental, interagency, international, and congressional analysis requests.
- Short-turnaround analysis.
These activities will be carried out in collaboration with a team of federal employees, other Fellows, support service contractors, and National Lab experts.
Fellows in SA frequently collaborate with representatives of other DOE offices and researchers at the DOE National Laboratories, as well as conduct their own independent research activities. The broad scope of SA’s mission gives Fellows the opportunity to explore a broad range of technology areas and participate in a wide variety of projects. Past Fellows have:
- Provided analysis and strategic direction in support of high-priority initiatives, rules, and reports.
- Under the guidance of a mentor, helped develop, scope, and engage in analysis projects with leading experts across EERE and the National Laboratories on clean energy challenges, opportunities, and impacts (e.g., assessing and improving circularity across the clean energy system).
- Co-authored journal articles and reports, including Reports to Congress, on a myriad of topics related to EERE technologies and how they affect the energy system.
- Collaborated on initiating a multi-National Laboratory study on grid applications for demand response and energy storage under high deployment of wind and solar power.
- Engaged in scoping and coordinating National Laboratory studies on the impacts of potential national and state policy and regulatory changes on the energy sector.
- Contributed to collaborative inter-office working groups focused on advancing and institutionalizing cross-cutting priorities including workforce development, energy equity, and environmental justice within EERE.
Washington, D.C.
Participant Benefits
Selected candidates will receive a competitive stipend. Stipend rates are determined by DOE officials, and are based on the candidate’s academic and professional background. Candidates will also be eligible to receive a stipend supplement to offset the cost of health insurance premiums and relocation of up to $5,000. A travel and research allowance of $10,000 will also be available to participants for each appointment year. Extension of the appointment beyond the first year will be subject to satisfactory progress toward completion of the project assignments, and availability of funds.
Nature of the Appointment
The participant will not enter into an employee/employer relationship with ORISE, ORAU, DOE, or any other office or agency. Instead, the participant will be affiliated with ORISE for the administration of the appointment through the ORISE letter of appointment and Terms of Appointment.
For more information on the EERE Science, Technology, and Policy Program please visit: https://www.energy.gov/eere/education/energy-efficiency-and-renewable-energy-science-technology-and-policy-program.
· Be a U.S. Citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident.
· Be currently pursing, or have completed requirements for, a Master’s or Doctoral Degree.
An ideal applicant will have superior academic performance and publication record, strong analytical, research and communication (oral and written) skills and demonstrated capacity for creative thinking, a strong technical background and expertise in an energy-technology-related field, and be interested in being part of a multi-disciplinary, fast-paced environment, focused on energy technology research and development. Expertise in one or more EERE technology area (e.g., renewable energy, clean transportation, storage technologies) is helpful, but enthusiasm and willingness to develop new expertise are paramount.
A completed application consists of:
- Profile Information
- Application Questions (goals, experiences, and skills relevant to the opportunity)
- Transcript(s) - An unofficial transcript or copy of the student academic records printed by the applicant or by academic advisors from internal institution systems may be submitted. Selected candidate may be required to provide proof of completion of the degree before the appointment can start.
- A current resume/CV
- One Letter of recommendation - While a letter of recommendation is not required to be considered, applicants are required to provide contact information for one recommendation in order to submit the application. Applicants are encouraged to request a letter of recommendation before submission as this may help reviewers have a better understanding of the applicant’s qualifications and interests. The letter of recommendation must be submitted on your behalf before selections are completed and offers are made.
CV must include the following:
- Applicant Information
- Education History. List all institutions from which you received or expect to receive a degree, beginning with current or most recent institution. Include the name of the academic institution, degree awarded or expected, date of awarded or expected degree, and academic discipline.
- Work and Research Experience. List all work and research experiences beginning with current or most recent. Include the name of the employer, location, position held, and time period involved.
- Leadership Experience. List experiences (e.g., work, civic, volunteer, research) that demonstrate your leadership skills. Detail your role, type of experience, organization, location, and duration.
- Honors and Awards. List in chronological order (most recent first) any awards or public recognitions. Include the name of awarding institution, title of the award or honor, and date of award or honor.
- Publications. List publications in the following order: 1) referee journals; 2) books; 3) published proceedings; 4) non-refereed articles; and 5) patents. Citations must include a) authors; b) year of publication; c) title; d) full name of journal; e) volume number; and f) page number(s).
If you have questions, please send an email to DOE-RPP@orise.orau.gov. Please list the reference code DOE-EERE-STP-IS-2023-2002 for this opportunity in the subject line of your email.
- Citizenship: LPR or U.S. Citizen
- Degree: Master's Degree or Doctoral Degree.
- Discipline(s):
- Age: Must be 18 years of age

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