Homeland Security Professional Opportunities for Student Workforce to Experience Research (HS-POWER)

U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Reference Code
How to Apply

Click on Apply below to start your application.

Application Deadline
10/30/2020 11:59:00 PM Eastern Time Zone
  • Are you a student looking for a professional opportunity to learn about homeland security related research to enhance your research interests and career goals?
  • Do you want to learn from top scientists and subject matter experts in homeland security disciplines and areas of research?
  • Do you want to network with your peers and members of the academic and scientific communities in government facilities conducting research in DHS relevant areas?

If you answered “Yes”, to the above questions, the HS-POWER program is for you!

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate Office of University Programs sponsors the Professional Opportunities for the Student Workforce to Experience Research Program (HS-POWER) for undergraduate and graduate students. HS-POWER is open to students majoring in a broad spectrum of homeland security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines as well as DHS mission-relevant research areas.

As a participant in the HS-POWER Program, you will participate in quality research experiences with federal research facilities and other Homeland Security STEM focused entities nationwide either onsite or in a virtual environment. This experience will provide you with a competitive edge as you apply your education, talent and skills in a variety of settings within the DHS enterprise. Additionally, you will establish connections with DHS professionals that facilitate long-term relationships between yourself, researchers, DHS personnel and research facilities.

All documents must be submitted via Zintellect.

All application components must be received in the Zintellect system in order to be considered.

Review and Selection Process

Completed applications will undergo an eligibility and compliance check by ORISE. DHS-approved hosting facilities will review applications based on educational background, experience, interests, skills, career goals, and fit for projects. Hosting facilities will submit their recommended candidates to DHS in a rolling review and approval process. Final selection for HS-POWER will be made by a federal official from DHS. DHS will notify ORISE of final selections and ORISE will notify selected candidates and hosting facilities.  Some components may choose to start reviewing applications and making selections as soon as applications are received to accommodate internal schedules. Applicants are encouraged not to wait until the last minute to submit applications.

Nature of Appointment

Participants will not enter into an employee/employer relationship with ORISE, ORAU, DHS, or the hosting facility. Instead, participants will be affiliated with ORISE for the administration of the appointment through the ORISE Letter of Appointment and Terms of Appointment.

For more information, contact us at dhsed@orau.org.

A completed application consists of:

  • A completed Zintellect Profile Essay questions specific to the program addressing each of the following topics: Personal Narrative: Describe both your personal motivation for applying to the Professional Opportunities for the Student Workforce to Experience Research Program (HS-POWER) as well as your specific research interest in the program. Career Goals: Describe your career goals and the ways that participation in the program may assist you in accomplishing your goals. Describe any relevant experience you have that relates to your career interest. What do you hope to learn over the course of the appointment that may help you meet your career goals? How does your future career interest align with DHS’s mission to safeguard the American people? Research Interests and Relevance to DHS Research Areas: Describe how your personal research interests and completed coursework align with DHS research areas. Describe your current research interests as they relate to future research questions or problems you would like to pursue. In your essay, attribute words and ideas other than your own to their proper source.
  • Transcripts/Academic Records - Unofficial transcripts or copies of the student academic records printed by the applicant or by academic advisors from internal institutional systems may be submitted. Transcripts/Academic records must include name of the academic institution, name of the student, completed/in progress coursework and grades through Spring/Summer 2020. Copies of official transcripts will be required if a Fall 2020 or Spring 2021 appointment is offered, to verify enrollment during the 2020 Fall or 2021 Spring term. For Summer 2021, an official copy of the Spring 2021 transcript will be required.
  • Two relevant letters of recommendation - These letters should address your academic record and potential for success in an appointment as indicated by academic accomplishments, as well as communication and teamwork skills. Recommendations must be submitted via Zintellect by Friday, October 30, 2020, 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time Zone.

Appointment Details

Appointments offered during the summer months are approximately 10-weeks in length. Extensions may be granted based on the needs of the sponsoring office and the candidate's availability. Appointments during the academic year may also be available. Start dates beginning in the time frame of late fall through summer 2021 are negotiated between participants, their assigned mentors/facilities, and ORISE. Factors such as class schedules, housing availability and facility schedules may be taken into consideration when determining appointment start and end dates. Interns will be assigned to research projects and/or other technical activities under the guidance of a mentor. Full-time and part-time appointments may vary by location. HS-POWER participants are required to have health insurance coverage during the appointment period and to provide proof of this coverage prior to the start of the appointment.

In response to the evolving situation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, hosting sites may modify their operation schedules and access to facilities to ensure the health and safety of their entire workforce while maintaining operational effectiveness. Hence, the appointment dates and location are subject to change contingent on host site availability and may result in a virtual placement.

For students participating onsite:

  • Travel: Travel reimbursement for inbound and outbound expenses up to $1,000 for participants who live more than fifty miles, one-way, from the assigned hosting site.
  • Housing Allowance: A housing allowance of $200/week is provided to participants who live more than fifty miles, one-way, from their assigned hosting facility and who are paying for housing while onsite. 

For students participating virtually:

  • A stipend supplement of $50 per week will be given to offset costs of remote participation.



Undergraduate students receive a stipend of $600 per week; Graduate students receive a stipend of $700 per week.


In order to be considered, applicants must meet each of the following criteria:

  • Be a United States (U.S.) citizen as of the application deadline. Evidence of U.S. citizenship must be submitted to ORISE at the time appointment is accepted.
  • Be at least 18 years of age by October 16, 2020.
  • Have a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or higher on a 4.00 scale as of Spring/Summer 2020.
  • Be interested in pursuing long-term career goals aligned with the DHS mission and objectives.
  • Have the ability to obtain and maintain the required security clearance to access the hosting facility.

  • Meet one of the following conditions:

    • Full-time enrollment as a freshman, sophomore or junior undergraduate student at a U.S. accredited 2-year or 4-year college or university during the 2020-2021 academic year and plans to continue enrollment in the spring 2021 semester; or, for summer appointments, plans to continue full-time enrollment for the 2021-2022 academic year.
    • Full-time enrollment as a senior undergraduate student at a U.S. accredited 4-year college or university during the 2020-2021 academic year and plans to continue enrollment in the spring 2021 semester; or, for summer appointments, plans to be enrolled as a graduate student at a U.S. accredited college or university for fall 2021..
    • Full-time enrollment as a graduate student at a U.S. accredited college or university during the 2020-2021 academic year and, for summer appointments, plans to continue enrollment in fall 2021.

Additional Information

  • For students enrolled at a 2-year institution during the 2020-2021 academic year: Internship assignment is contingent on the student providing:

    • Proof of enrollment for spring 2021 for fall or spring semester participants; or,

    • Proof of application to a 4-year institution at the time appointment is accepted for summer 2021 participants.  

  • For undergraduate seniors graduating in spring or summer 2021: Internship assignment is contingent on the student providing:

    • Proof of enrollment for spring 2021 for fall or spring semester participants; or,
    • Proof of application to an accredited graduate institution at the time appointment is accepted for summer 2021 participants.
  • Graduate students with an expected graduation date prior to the 2021 summer term are not eligible to participate in summer appointments.
  • Students must demonstrate interest in research and development of innovative, next-generation homeland security solutions with potential for broad impact that align with the DHS mission to safeguard the American people, our homeland, and DHS values.

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Point of Contact
Eligibility Requirements
  • Citizenship: U.S. Citizen Only
  • Degree: Currently pursuing an Associate's Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, or Doctoral Degree.
  • Minimum Overall GPA: 3.00
  • Discipline(s):
    • Business (10 )
    • Chemistry and Materials Sciences (12 )
    • Communications and Graphics Design (6 )
    • Computer, Information, and Data Sciences (16 )
    • Earth and Geosciences (21 )
    • Engineering (27 )
    • Environmental and Marine Sciences (14 )
    • Life Health and Medical Sciences (45 )
    • Mathematics and Statistics (10 )
    • Other Non-Science & Engineering (6 )
    • Physics (16 )
    • Science & Engineering-related (1 )
    • Social and Behavioral Sciences (28 )
  • Age: Must be 18 years old by 11/2/2020
  • Veteran Status: Veterans Preference, degree received within the last 120 month(s).

The ORISE GO mobile app helps you stay engaged, connected and informed during your ORISE experience – from application, to offer, through your appointment and even as an ORISE alum!