CDC Climate and Health Evaluation Fellowship
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A complete application consists of:
- An application
- Transcripts – Click here for detailed information about acceptable transcripts
- A current resume/CV, including academic history, employment history, relevant experiences, and publication list
- One educational or professional recommendation. Your application will be considered incomplete, and will not be reviewed until one recommendation is submitted.
All documents must be in English or include an official English translation.
If you have questions, send an email to Please include the reference code for this opportunity in your email.
*Applications will be reviewed on a rolling-basis.
Two research opportunities are currently available with the Climate and Health Program (CHP) within the Asthma and Community Health Branch (ACHB), Division of Environmental Health Science and Practice (DEHSP) of the National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, Georgia.
The CHP provides leadership and technical assistance to U.S. state, local, and federal agencies on adapting to the health threats posed by climate change. The program supports health agencies (grantees) in the climate change adaptation activities through:
- Best practices research (science team)
- Grantee management (program team)
- Assessment of all activities and their outcomes (evaluation team)
Throughout the course of this research project, the participant will be training with the evaluation team and the Climate and Health Program’s lead evaluator. Under the guidance of a mentor, some experiential learning experiences will include:
- Participating in monthly stakeholder engagement
- Learning the CDC Framework and process for technical guidance around evaluation
- Learning the science behind evaluation and performance metrics related to climate change adaption
The learning objectives for this opportunity will be:
- To increase learning about program evaluation
- To learn to use the steps of the CDC Framework for Program Evaluation and apply evaluation standards
- To learn how program evaluation occurs in climate and health programs
Anticipated Appointment Start Date: December 15, 2020 (start date is flexible)
This program, administered by ORAU through its contract with the U.S. Department of Energy to manage the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, was established through an interagency agreement between DOE and CDC. The initial appointment is for one year, but may be renewed upon recommendation of CDC contingent on the availability of funds. The participant will receive a monthly stipend commensurate with educational level and experience. Proof of health insurance is required for participation in this program. The appointment is full-time at CDC in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. Participants do not become employees of CDC, DOE or the program administrator, and there are no employment-related benefits.
The qualified candidate should be currently pursuing or have received a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree in one of the relevant fields. Degree must have been received within five years of the appointment start date.
Preferred skills:
- Excellent project and time management skills
- Excellent oral and written skills
- Coursework in evaluation or evaluation relevant topics (logic modelling, performance management, stakeholder engagement, etc.)
- Experience in program evaluation (design of collection instruments, quantitative and qualitative data analysis, dissemination of findings through non-traditional reporting techniques such as data parties, one-pagers, brief presentations, etc.)
- Experience in program planning (conducting meetings and managing meeting content, brainstorming program activities, managing and updating performance databases, etc.)
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