2020 CCDC-ARL Summer Student Experience: Computational and Information Sciences Directorate

DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Reference Code
Application Deadline
3/1/2020 11:59:59 PM Eastern Time Zone

The CCDC Army Research Laboratory's (ARL's) Computational and Information Sciences Directorate (CISD) serves as the principal Army organization for basic and applied research in information sciences, network sciences, battlefield environment, and advanced computing and computational sciences to provide the Warfighter with knowledge superiority and to ensure U.S. military superiority.

A wide range of summer undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduate research opportunities are available in CISD at the Adelphi Laboratory Center, Maryland, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, and White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.

CISD's research portfolio includes: network sciences, intelligent systems, information sciences, computational sciences, computer sciences, cyber security, quantum networks, robotics, machine learning, information processing, information salience, information dynamics, Internet of Things, content understanding, natural language processing, communications, autonomous systems, cross reality (XR) information visualization, multi-scale modeling, remote sensing and imaging, electro-optic and acoustic propagation, atmospheric sciences, aerosol science, and much more.

Locations: Adelphi Laboratory Center, Maryland; Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland; White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico; ARL-West, ARL-South, ARL-Central

U.S. Citizenship is not required to be considered for as Summer Student Experience Fellow with CISD, but non-U.S. Citizens are strongly encouraged to apply early to allow additional processing time for the ORAU immigration office and ARL security.


CCDC Army Research Laboratory (ARL) Research Associateship Program (RAP) Summer Student Experience is an educational program that allows undergraduate through PhD students and recent Bachelor and Master's degree graduates to participate in a paid research experience at a Department of Defense laboratory over the summer break.

A candidate must be in good standing (a minimum of a 2.5 GPA) at an accredited university or technical institute, and in an academic program leading to an undergraduate or graduate degree.  

Scientists and engineers at ARL help shape and execute the Army's program for meeting the challenge of developing technologies that will support Army forces in meeting future operational needs. Students can participant in research in one of the following areas:

  • Computational and Information Sciences Directorate (CISD)
  • Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED)
  • Sensors and Electron Devices Directorate (SEDD)
  • Vehicle Technology Directorate (VTD)
  • Weapons and Materials Research Directorate (WMRD)

U.S. Citizenship is not required to be considered for as Summer Student Experience Fellow with CISD, but non-U.S. Citizens are strongly encouraged to apply early to allow additional processing time for the ORAU immigration office and ARL security.


First Round Application Deadline:  Sunday, November 24, 2019

NEW Second Round Application Deadline: Sunday, March 1, 2020

Application Requirements:

The following must be uploaded into the online application:

  • Resume - Please list your relevant coursework and lab work on your resume as well as all papers, presentations, or publications you may have authored or co-authored. Include any reprints or abstracts if they are available.
  • Transcripts - Transcript verifying receipt of degree/or identifying current enrollment. Original student copies are acceptable.
  • Statement of Interest - Write a one-page description of your scientific research experience. Please include references to your lab work as well as any relevant academic coursework. How does this experience intersect with your personal and professional goals?
  • References - Reference forms are not required for the Summer Student Experience, but names and contact information for references are part of the online application. During the review process, some Advisor/Selecting Officials may contact references for further evaluation.

For questions about the Summer Student Experience Program, please visit https://orau.org/arlfellowship/ or email ARLFellowship@orau.org. 

Point of Contact
Eligibility Requirements
  • Degree: Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, or Doctoral Degree.
  • Minimum Overall GPA: 2.50
  • Academic Level(s): Any academic level.
  • Discipline(s):
    • Computer, Information, and Data Sciences (16 )
    • Engineering (9 )
    • Mathematics and Statistics (3 )
    • Physics (16 )
    • Science & Engineering-related (1 )
  • Age: Must be 18 years of age
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