COVID-19 Mathematical and Statistical Modeling Internship
Components of the online application are as follows:
- Profile Information
- Educational and Employment History
- Essay Questions (goals, experiences, and skills relevant to the opportunity)
- Resume (PDF)
- Transcripts/Academic Records - Click here for detailed information about acceptable transcripts
- Recommendation(s)
Submitted documents must have all social security numbers, student identification numbers, and/or dates of birth removed (blanked out, blackened out, made illegible, etc.) prior to uploading into the application system.
If you have questions, send an email to Please list the reference code of this opportunity in the subject line of the email.
All documents must be in English or include an official English translation.
The overall mission of the United States Army Public Health Center (APHC) is to enhance Army readiness by identifying and assessing current and emerging health threats, developing and communicating public health solutions, and assuring the quality and effectiveness of the Army's Public Health Enterprise. Their vision is to be a world-class provider of public health services across the Army and DOD. The Army Public Health Center Laboratory Sciences provides responsive, comprehensive laboratory science services worldwide as part of the occupational and environmental health assessment and medical surveillance process to support Army readiness.
APHC is offering a mentor-guided internship opportunity in the COVID-19 Modeling Team within the Clinical Public Health & Epidemiology Directorate. As an ORISE participant in coordination with the APHC COVID-19 Task Force, you will engage with a diverse team working at the intersection of epidemiology, statistics, operations research, and disease ecology. You will gain experience collaborating with internal and external stakeholders and have the opportunity to advance your skills in 1) analyzing health surveillance data to estimate parameters that can be used in mathematical models; 2) developing mathematical models and applications that visualize model output; 3) translating statistical and mathematical model results into actionable public health guidance for a variety of Army stakeholders.
This learning opportunity will provide additional skills, knowledge, and understanding in the following areas:
- A full spectrum of public health emergency response while serving on a fast-paced, high OPTEMPO team
- Gain an in-depth awareness of the breadth of Army public health and expanded ability to work across technical areas
- Sharpen project management and analytical skills
- Expand knowledge of the Army COVID-19 response and gain first-hand experience developing modeling products and policy recommendations
- Improve communication skills
Appointment Length
This appointment is a twelve month research appointment, with the possibility to be renewed for additional research periods. Appointments may be extended depending on funding availability, project assignment, program rules, and availability of the participant.
Participant Benefits
Participants will receive a stipend to be determined by APHC. Stipends are typically based on the participant’s academic standing, discipline, experience, and research facility location. Other benefits may include the following:
Health Insurance Supplement. Participants are eligible to purchase health insurance through ORISE.
Relocation Allowance
Training and Travel Allowance
Nature of Appointment
The participant will not enter into an employee/employer relationship with ORISE, ORAU, DOD, or any other office or agency. Instead, the participant will be affiliated with ORISE for the administration of the appointment through the ORISE appointment letter and Terms of Appointment.
Additional Information
While participants will not enter into an employment relationship with DOD or any other agency, this opportunity will require a suitability investigation/background investigation. Any offer made is considered tentative pending favorable outcome of the investigation.
The participant should be in a degree seeking program from an accredited college or university in public health or a related field.
1) Experience in programming in R and/or Python.
2) Experience in infectious disease modeling.
3) Experience in developing and fitting mathematical models of disease transmission.
4) Experience in analyzing public health surveillance data.
5) Experience with biostatistics, including machine learning.
- Citizenship: U.S. Citizen Only
- Degree: Master's Degree or Doctoral Degree received within the last 60 months or currently pursuing.
- Discipline(s):
- Age: Must be 18 years of age
- Veteran Status: Veterans Preference, degree received within the last 120 month(s).

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